Fire fighters

Fire in zero weather - Charlestown
Fire in zero weather - Charlestown
Fire in zero weather, Charlestown
Fire in zero weather - Charlestown. Thomas Getherall - 15 years old - youngest fighter - 35 Mystic St., Charlestown
Firemen fight Fisk Tire Co. warehouse fire at 42-44 Miller St., Charlestown
Fire Chief Henry A. Fox at two alarm fire in Thompson's Square, Charlestown
Fire Chief Henry A. Fox at two alarm fire in Thompson's Sq., Charlestown
Fire Chief Henry A. Fox at two alarm fire in Thompson's Sq., Charlestown
Savin Hill Bathhouse fire
Savin Hill Bath House fire
Savin Hill Bath House fire
Fire - East Boston Waterfront
Fire in Simpson's dry dock, East Boston
Fire in Simpson's dry dock, East Boston
Fire in Simpson's dry dock, East Boston
Remarkable ice scene at Big Bacon's store fire at Dudley St. Station in Roxbury
Remarkable ice scene at Bacon's store fire at Dudley Station, Roxbury
Modern fire engine in action at South Boston fire
Remarkable fire at coal yard, South Boston, with water tower in action (115-F)
Six alarm fire - South Boston
Fire and flame raise havoc in big South Boston factory, six alarm
Three alarm fire at close range, waste factory, South Boston
Six alarm fire: South Boston
Six alarm South Boston fire


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