People: Identified

Zero - the man that came to Boston to sell slaves and feed the hungry
Zero - the man that came to Boston to sell slaves and feed the hungry
Carol Dempster - Movie star
Edith Day - star from Schubert Theatre in 'Wildflower' keeps her promise on a bet on White House steps
Last photo taken in Boston of Will Rogers
Clarence Darrow (left)
Mike Andelman - Sold papers longer than anyone else in Boston
John McCormick - famous singer
John McCormick - famous singer
Movie star Viola Dana in Boston
Sen. Borah, left, greatest orator of all time, and Murray Butler of Columbia University
Gilmartin (Group pushing auto, N.H.)
Gen. John J. 'Blackjack' Pershing, in Boston
Lowell Thomas, radio announcer at East Boston airport
Lowell Thomas, radio announcer at East Boston airport
Noted Communist Bill Murdoch being deported to Scotland was active in Pennsylvania coal fields and Lawrence and New Bedford strikes
Bill Murdoch, noted Communist and strike leader deported to Scotland
German horsemen in Boston, R-R, Lt. Von Nagel on Wotan, Capt. Baron von Waldenfels on Baccarat, Lt. Momm on Kampfderell and Lt. Hasse on Derby
Gov. Ely greets Police Commissioner Hultman
Eleonora Sears walking from Newport to Boston
Madame Jecoulini visiting Boston from Russia
Eleonora Sears walks from Newport to Boston, 73 miles, taking 17 hours to do the trick. (Composite image of Sears walking and map of route.)
Famous pioneer Ezra Meeker visits Boston in stagecoach
Peggy Joyce, movie star, in Boston


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