People: Identified

K. Camille Den Dooven - was Kaiser's cook
Senator Hiram Bingham inspects Boston forts
Polish Prince Casimir Lubouwiski visits Boston with son
George Baker at Harvard - the man that donated business school across from Harvard Stadium where President Kennedy's museum is to be built
Dowager Countess Huntington
John P. Morgan has been at Harvard Exercises
Thomas A. Edison - groups
Thomas A. Edison - portrait
George Baker at Harvard
Thomas Edison in Washington D.C.
Madame Jecoulini visiting Boston from Russia
Famous English author Major A. Hamilton Gibbs at Kittansett golf club - East Marion, Mass.
Gus Sonnenberg and Miss Marie Elliot - Belmont, Mass.
Gus Sonnenberg and Miss Marie Elliot. Belmont, MA
Congresswoman Rogers at Lowell airport dedication - eating between times
Irving Berlin arrives in Boston
Henry Ford and son Edsel inspecting the first and the 15,000,000th car to roll off the line
Amos' and Andy's wives here in Boston with them
Judge James A. Lowell at Clyde Park
L to R: Judge James A. Lowell and George De Blois at Clyde Park
L to R: Judge James A. Lowell and George De Blois (a big real estate man, office in Pimberton Sq.) at Clyde Park
John D. Rockefeller - Grand old man of finance, Ormand Beach, Florida
Movie stars here in Boston, MA
Aimee McPherson


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