People: Identified

Will Rogers at East Boston airport
Mary Pickford in Hollywood
Aimee McPherson arrives in Boston
Aimee McPherson arrives at East Boston Airport
Aimee McPherson Hutton in town to drive evil out of Boston
Aimee McPherson Hutton dressed like cop
Film actress Jean Harlow
Mary Pickford backstage in Boston theatre
Mary Pickford backstage in Boston wearing $2.98 dress and $1.00 hat
George M. Cohan and daughter Helen in Public Garden
Bert Lytell, movie star
Clara Bow poses for camera in her Ritz-Carlton Suite
Movie star Clara bow sits in her fiance Harry Richman's lap during her overnight stay in Boston at Ritz-Carlton
Explorer MacMillan with his dolls before his trip to the north on his good ship Bowdoin
Noted English woman Mrs. Pankhurst in Boston
Alyce McHenry films boy, they both had their stomach upside down
Greatest criminal lawyer of all time Clarence Darrow taken at Montpellier, VT
Mrs. Prescott making huge quilt outside of home in New London, N.H.
Bette Davis wins 1st prize as best actress
Mellie Dunham and wife leaving New Hampshire for the bright lights
Mellie Dunham, the fiddler that Henry Ford made famous
Mellie Dunham and wife meet the governor of Maine
Mellie Dunham and wife saying goodbye as they leave for the bright lights
Ethel du Pont - Bride of Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr.


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