Lindbergh and Coolidge at Washington, D.C.

Lindy and Pres. Coolidge |
Pres. Coolidge presenting Lindbergh with Congressional Medal of Honor at the White House (Left to Right) Speaker Nicholas Longworth, Pres. Coolidge, Col. Lindbergh, Vice Pres. Dawes, Sec. of War Dwight Davis |
Pres. Coolidge presenting Col. Charles A. Lindbergh with Congressional Medal of Honor at White House (L to R) Speaker Nicholas Longworth, Pres. Coolidge, Col. Lindbergh, Vice Pres. Dawes, Sec. of War Dwight Davis |
Pres. Coolidge and Col. Lindbergh, Lindbergh receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor at the White House (left to right) Speaker Nicholas Longworth, Pres. Coolidge, Col. Lindbergh, Vice Pres. Dawes, Sec. of War Dwight F. Davis |
Lindbergh is decorated by President Coolidge, Washington, D.C. |
Lindbergh and Coolidge |