Air pilots
German fliers, Boston - Back Bay Station |
Levine here in Boston (Wilmer Stultz) |
Wilmer Stultz & Charles Levine et al. with plane Columbia |
Wilmer Stultz in the plane Friendship before going across the ocean |
Wilmer Stultz, who piloted the plane Friendship across the ocean, with Miss Earhart aboard; also pilot of Byrd's South Pole plane. |
Wilmer Stultz standing side of tail of Byrd's 3-motor fokker that flies to the South Pole; plane 'Friendship' |
Wilmer Stultz talking over the radio at the Parkman bandstand, Boston |
Wilmer Stultz & his man-kite |
Wilmer Stultz |
17-year-old aviatrix Elinor Smith showing aeroplane to 18-year-old golf star Helen Hicks - Fairchild Field, Farmingdale, NY. |
Frank Hawks - famous flier at East Boston Airport. |
Fliers - East Boston |
Mrs. Dorothy Warrick, a student at East Boston Airport. From Pittsburg, PA. Wife of a Teck student flies with 'Hargenhaig,' her 13 blue ribbon English bulldog. |
Ernest K. Warburton with his 575HP pursuit plane at East Boston Airport |
Guggenheim & Doolittle |
Unidentified pilot |
Dorothy Forbes & Flying Parson |
Dorothy Forbes & Flying Parson's machine |
Mrs. Dorothy Warrick, a student at East Boston Airport. From Pittsburg, PA. Wife of a Teck student flies with 'Hargenhaig,' her 13 blue ribbon English bulldog. |
Miss Helen Hicks, 18-year-old golf star, and Elinor Smith, 17-year-old aviatrix, at Fairchild Field, Farmingdale, NY |
A.F. Maple, Anne Madison Washington and Major Jimmy Doolittle on tour commemorating postal service founding |
Famous fliers at City Hall |
Aviators including Richard Byrd and Lindy watch parade from stand in front of City Hall |
Miss Harriet Quimby, Boston girl aviator who lost her life trying to entertain the public at Squantum |