Constitution (Frigate)

USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - South Boston dry dock.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution being rebuilt up to the sun deck in Navy Yard
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard drydock.
First spar for USS Constitution: Bow sprit made of 4 hearts of douglas fir trees shipped from Oregon forests, 32' diameter 64' long - weights 5 1/2 tons.
New bowsprit for USS Constitution: Made from hearts of 4 douglas firs from Oregon forests. Diameter: 32' length: 64' weight: 5 1/2 tons.
USS Constitution tablet: Located on Atlantic Ave. near Constitution wharf. North End.
Plaque commeorating USS Constitution on Atlantic Ave.
G.R. Dixon - Navy Yard marine from Jacksonville, FL. Holding souvenir anchor that he is selling to raise money to rebuild old frigate USS Constitution.
Guns of USS Constitution
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution in Navy Yard after snowstorm.
USS Constitution in Navy Yard after snowstorm.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution moored beside newer naval ships in Navy Yard.
Rigging of the USS Constitution.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution.
USS Constitution.
USS Constitution.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.


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