Constitution (Frigate)

USS Constitution in Navy Yard
USS Constitution in Navy Yard
USS Constitution - Navy Yard
USS Constitution - Navy Yard
USS Constitution in Navy Yard
USS Constitution - Navy Yard
USS Constitution - South Boston
USS Constitution - South Boston
USS Constitution - Navy Yard dry dock
Original chair used by Capt. Isaac Hull being removed by William Pillsbury, caretaker of USS Constitution
USS Constitution in Navy Yard
USS Constitution in Navy Yard
USS Constitution
USS Constitution in South Boston drydock
Sailing ship 'Constitution' tug 'Iwana'
Rotor ship next to USS Constitution. Tug 'Iwana'.
Old and new: Rotor ship next to USS Constitution in Navy Yard
USS Constitution
USS Constitution
USS Constitution
USS Constitution Navy Yard, Boston
USS Constitution Navy Yard, Boston. First time in 32 years has the capstan pulled the anchor up as it did years ago.
USS Constitution Navy Yard, Boston. First time in 32 years has the capstan pulled the anchor up as it did years ago.


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