Constitution (Frigate)

USS Constitution - Gloucester.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution and sub O-7 in Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
Guns of old frigate USS Constitution - loaned to USS Constellation when she took part in celebration.
Rigging of USS Constitution
USS Constitution
USS Constitution Mascot 'Peggy'
USS Constitution.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - South Boston.
USS Constitution - South Boston.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.


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