Sports spectators

Crowd: Horsetrack
Crowd: Horsetrack
Horse race
Horse race
Raceland before the fire
Raceland before the fire
Rockingham Races at Salem, N.H.
Millwood Hunt Club horse show, Framingham, Mass.
Millwood Hunt Club horse show, Framingham, Mass.
Millwood Hunt Club horse show, Framingham, Mass.
Stadium crowd
Horse race
Stadium crowd
Horse race
Horse race
Horse show
Horse races - Rockingham
Horse races - Rockingham, N.H.
Rockingham races (3 of 3)
Horse race
O'Hara having a look at the races at Narragansett Park
Crowds move at Rockingham track in Salem, N.H., by train
Trains arrive with crowds at Rockingham, Salem, N.H.
Crowds arriving at Rockingham Track by train, Salem, N.H.


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