
Lindbergh kidnapping case
Lindy kidnapping - this is the odd symbol used by the kidnappers where Dr. John F. Condon who recently paid $50,000 ransom for return of the Lindbergh baby. This was left in crib after baby was taken away.
[William] Allen colored truck driver that found Lindbergh baby off side of road 5 miles from Lindy's home
Bruno Hauptmann arrested for Lindbergh baby kidnapping
Bruno R. Hauptmann, suspect in Lindy kidnapping
Lindberg baby incident Bruno R. Hauptmann (suspect)
Lindy kidnapping: the odd symbol used by kidnappers where Dr. John F. Condon, who recently paid $50,000 ransom for return of the Lindbergh baby. This was left in the crib after the baby was taken away.
[William] Allen colored truck driver that found Little Lindy Jr. just off the road side - 5 miles from Lindy's home where he was kidnapped
Map of where incidents in Lindbergh baby case took place
Lindbergh baby suspect Bruno Hauptmann
Atty. Riley and Hauptmann (suspect in Lindbergh kidnapping)
Atty. Riley and Hauptmann (suspect in Lindbergh trial)
Caspar Oliver arrested in Blauenburg, NJ on March 19, 1932 for having a mystery car hidden in hay near Lindbergh home
Caspar Oliver arrested in Blauenburg, NJ on March 19, 1932 for having a mystery car hidden in hay near Lindbergh home
Dr. John F. Condon who gave $50,000 of Lindy's money to the kidnappers to return the baby, but they double crossed. The 72-year-old Fordham W. Lecturer (wearing derby) with newspaper reporters. He is still working alone on the case.
Lindbergh baby case, Hauptmann's tools used to make kidnap ladder
Mrs. Lindbergh arriving at court - Fleminton, N.J.
Note and mailbox for ransom money in Lindberg baby case
Lindbergh baby case
Bruno Hauptmann, Lindbergh kidnapping
Bruno Hauptmann being photographed by New York police, Lindbergh kidnapping
Hauptmann photographed by N.Y. police
Bruno Hauptmann being photographed by N.Y. police, Lindbergh kidnapping
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