Football players
B.C. - Centre College action |
B.C. vs. St. Anthems |
B.C. vs. St. Anthems |
B.C. vs. St. Anthems |
B.C. vs. St. Anthems |
Football action, B.C. vs. St. Anthems |
Holy Cross players |
Action |
Action |
School boy game |
Red' Grange kicking as Carl Brumbaugh holds - quarterback for Chicago Bears. Braves field, Boston. |
Red' Grange, great football player of the year of 1928 |
Early football |
Football game at Braves Field |
Captains of St. Marks and Groton, with referees, before game |
Osmanski of Holy Cross |
Boston Redskins vs. N.Y. Giants at Fenway |
Action at Fenway Park |
Boston College plays Catholic University at Braves field in pouring rain. B.C. won 6-0 (Adams of C.U. with Ball) |
Action during Harvard-Yale game, Harvard Stadium |
Rovinski of Holy cross passes to Montelli in big game at Fenway Park |
Boston College vs. Centre College in new stadium. Cecil Hamilton, no. 26, of Centre, with ball. |
Crickard of Harvard catches pass in second period against Penn State making the third goal |
Football |