Football players

Leslie R. Jones, while on football team at the Farm and Trade School
F.D.R., Jr. playing football at Groton
F.D.R., Jr. playing football at Groton
Healey of Holy Cross
Healey of Holy Cross
Football star
Haskell Indian R.B. Ward
Joe Le Maistre of Tufts punting
Brown's captain J. Buonanno
Brown's captain J. Buonanno
Brown's captain J. Buonanno
Injured player
Injured player
Brighton High vs. Commerce at Brookline field. Commerce won.
Knute Rockne
Knute Rockne
Harvard kicker Art Hughley
Chuck Darling - B.C. placekicker
Harvard vs. Princeton
Harvard vs. Princeton
Harvard vs. Princeton
Harvard vs. Princeton


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