Jump at the Sandown Pinbright Hurdle Race won by Lady Capulet, England |
Horse jumping at Readville |
Jumping at the Winchester Horse Show |
Frederick H. Lovejoy on Flash, jumping the hurdle in Cohasset |
Competitors caught mid-jump in Brookline |
Richard Saltonstall on Dawn at Millwood Hunt Horse Show |
Richard Broderick on Grasshopper, Scituate |
Danny Shea on Crowell's Fairfax, winning first in Olympic course at Millwood Horse Show |
Jumping at Raceland |
William Stuart Forbes on Sailor at Myopia |
Neil W. Rice, team jumping at Myopia Hunt Club |
Danny Shea on Mickey and Lorraine Liggett on Sir Pett jumping, Metropolitan Horse Show |
Lorraine Liggett jumping at Chestnut Hill Horse Show |
Lorraine Liggett jumping at Chestnut Hill Horse Show |
Fred Ayer jumping on fast asleep in Hamilton |
Jumping at Millwood Hunt, Framingham |
John R. Macomber, Raceland |
Jumping outside course at Millwood Hunt, Framingham |
Jumping at horse show |
Jumping at horse show |
Jumping at Cohasset Horse Show |
Horse jumping at Cohasset Horse Show |
Horse jumping at Cohasset Horse Show |
Lorraine Liggett on Mickey at Brockton Fair |