
Jump at the Sandown Pinbright Hurdle Race won by Lady Capulet, England
Horse jumping at Readville
Jumping at the Winchester Horse Show
Frederick H. Lovejoy on Flash, jumping the hurdle in Cohasset
Competitors caught mid-jump in Brookline
Richard Saltonstall on Dawn at Millwood Hunt Horse Show
Richard Broderick on Grasshopper, Scituate
Danny Shea on Crowell's Fairfax, winning first in Olympic course at Millwood Horse Show
Jumping at Raceland
William Stuart Forbes on Sailor at Myopia
Neil W. Rice, team jumping at Myopia Hunt Club
Danny Shea on Mickey and Lorraine Liggett on Sir Pett jumping, Metropolitan Horse Show
Lorraine Liggett jumping at Chestnut Hill Horse Show
Lorraine Liggett jumping at Chestnut Hill Horse Show
Fred Ayer jumping on fast asleep in Hamilton
Jumping at Millwood Hunt, Framingham
John R. Macomber, Raceland
Jumping outside course at Millwood Hunt, Framingham
Jumping at horse show
Jumping at horse show
Jumping at Cohasset Horse Show
Horse jumping at Cohasset Horse Show
Horse jumping at Cohasset Horse Show
Lorraine Liggett on Mickey at Brockton Fair


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