Riot squad of Boston police give demonstration on Common. |
Riot squad of Boston police give demonstration on Common. |
Boston police fire volley on Boston Common, Police Parade |
Demonstration oil fire - foamite used to put it out. |
Oil fire demonstration - foamite used to put it out. |
Old fire demo. Foamite put the fire out. |
Oil fire demo: foamite put the fire out. |
Billows of smoke at Boston and Maine RR freight shed fire |
Boston and Maine Freight sheds fire. Four alarm - North Station. |
Cellar fire - Back Bay |
Commonwealth Avenue fire |
Tremont St. fire in business section |
YMCA fire, Boylston Street |
Nighttime fire at South Street |
Four alarm Central Wharf fire |
Two alarm R.H. White Co. Fire, Harrison Ave. |
Big fire at Fenway Park |
Fighting fire at Fenway Park |
Fenway Park fire |
Fighting Fenway Park fire |
Big Arena fire |
$200,000 fire at Atlantic Ave. and Oliver St. |
Four alarm fire on South Street, at night |
Four alarm fire at Back Bay auto factory, 30 autos destroyed |