Skin diving

Diver goes down in search for body drowned
Diver goes down in search for body drowned
Diver going into water
Diver ready to receive helmet and descend. Boat.
Diver going down before Battleship New York was launched.
1. Pile driver #7 on water. 2. Diver 3. US Engineer Dept. work boat
Navy Yard diver
Testing new diving apparatus
Tom Faulkner, Charlestown Navy Yard diver, goes down to repair marine railway after derailment
Diver goes under at Navy Yard
Navy Yard diver going down to burn collar of USS Milwaukee with torch
Navy Yard diver John Evans going down to burn collar of propeller shaft of the USS Milwaukee
Navy Yard diver John Evans ready to go down with oxy-hydrogen torch to repair collar on propeller shaft of the USS Milwaukee
Diver at Navy Yard
Diver at Navy Yard
Diver goes down at Navy Yard
Going down to recover body of a coal diver who went through Harvard bridge
Divers on mine layer 'Falcon' going down to sunken S-4 sub off Provincetown.
Diver off USS Falcon going for S-4 sub off Provincetown.
Diver at S-4 disaster.
Diver from 'Falcon' going down to sub S-4.
Diver from 'Falcon' going down to S-4.
Diver at work on S-4 disaster
Navy Yard divers going down to take measurements of the hull of old frigate 'Constitution.'


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