Ship equipment & rigging

USS Leviathan South Boston (#2 of 2)
Propeller - SS Leviathan
Leviathan in drydock. Boat
Propeller of the SS Leviathan.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
Rigging of USS Constitution
First spar for USS Constitution: Bow sprit made of 4 hearts of douglas fir trees shipped from Oregon forests, 32' diameter 64' long - weights 5 1/2 tons.
New bowsprit for USS Constitution: Made from hearts of 4 douglas firs from Oregon forests. Diameter: 32' length: 64' weight: 5 1/2 tons.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
Rigging of the USS Constitution.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution gets first spar during restoration at Navy Yard. This bowsprit made of fir.
New bowsprit put in place for USS Constitution in Navy Yard. Governor Frank Allen speaking.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution bow sprite tested by Charles White (L) of the USS Wainwright and Orla Davenport of the USS Mojave.
USS Constitution having new sails put on her.
Rigging of USS Constitution.
Two kinds of masts. Background: USS Constitution. Foreground: Lightship 'Nantucket'
USS Constitution.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
USS Constitution - Navy Yard.
Rigging of USS Constitution.
USS Pequot carrying 18 miles of submarine cable to be laid in southern waters


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