International Races at Marblehead. Elizabeth Hovey sails her own boat (19 year old daughter of Chandler Hovey; sailed her father's Oriole in the 30 square meter trails at qualified to sail it as one of the 3 American boats against the German and Swedish teams in August.) |
Sailing |
Q-7 Ray Hunts Falcon - Marblehead |
Off Marblehead |
Off Marblehead |
Frank Munroe / Judge Jesse Morton at Corinthian Yacht Club |
Elizabeth Hovey in Oriole X-4 wins at Marblehead |
Getting boats ready |
Getting boats ready |
Getting boats ready is sign of spring |
Off Marblehead |
Elizabeth Hovey sailing in International Races off Marblehead |
Charles and Elizabeth Hovey - Marblehead |
Two girls sailing on a rainy day |
Yachting at Marblehead |
The Vanitie off Marblehead |
Yachting off Marblehead |
Yacht turns turtle at South Boston Yacht Club |
Yacht capsizes at South Boston Yacht Club |
George Wightman on his boat |
Mr. Nichols, center, aboard cup defender Weetamoe |
Mr. Nichols (pocket handkerchief) aboard cup defender Weetamoe |
Mr. Nichols, listening to reporter, aboard cup defender Weetamoe |
Yachting at Marblehead |