
Captain John Anderson, Station 16, Back Bay. A personal friend of mine
Police Boat SS Stephen O'Meara launches to take the place of the SS Guardian
Boston Police Parade on Beacon Street
Police Parade - Beacon St.
State police had to shoot a horse at the Brockton Fair when he broke a leg while racing.
Crack shots - Boston Police
Crack shots - Boston Police
Police Parade.
Police Boat SS Stephen O'Meara launched. Takes place of the SS Guardian
Police Boat 'Guardian'
Police parade in front of State House.
Boston Police Parade
Boston cop Eddie de Roche.
Police Boat Skipper Sgt. Curtis of Harbor Police.
Police Parade.
Police Headquarters
Police Parade - Beacon St.
Police Parade.
Oliver Garrett, former liquor squad leader, after scandal he was given reduced duty at station 3 on Joy Street by Commissioner Wilson. He is a spectator at the Boston Police parade.
Oliver Garrett, former liquor squad leader, now on reduced duty at Station 3, Joy St.
Captain Anderson of Station 16, Boston police department
With the latest guns, Boston police will fear nothing. The 'Reds' will be met severely in case the start anything.
Motorcycle cops with their vehicles
Motorcycle cops, Boston Common


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