Naval yards & naval stations

USS Constitution.
USS Constitution back in Navy Yard.
USS Constitution back in Navy Yard.
Old frigate USS Constitution at Charlestown Navy Yard.
Old frigate USS Constitution at Charlestown Navy Yard.
Ship 'Old Ironsides'
Diver at work near USS Constitution in Navy Yard.
Diver at work near USS Constitution in Navy Yard.
Ship USS Constitution?
USS Constitution undergoing repairs
Stepping the mast, USS Constitution
Crowd at USS Constitution berth in Charlestown Navy Yard
The USS Constitution showing sails at the Charlestown Navy Yard
USS Constitution with sails unfurled, Charlestown Navy Yard.
USS Constitution draws crowd at Charlestown Navy Yard
Roto-ship at pier
Uncle Sam's first submarine chaser scrapped at Dorchester boat yard
USS Raleigh in Navy Yard drydock
USS Raleigh - Charlestown Navy Yard
Navy SS Raleigh - Navy Yard. Smaller version.
USS Richmond - Navy Yard
USS Raleigh - Navy Yard
USS Raleigh, USS Memphis in Navy Yard
USS Patoka in Navy Yard


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