Man with historic gun |
Man holds historic gun |
John Dillinger's guns |
John Dillinger's guns |
Guns captured from gunman |
Gun still life |
Comm. McSweeny and Superintendant King. Police headquarters |
State police inspecting gun? |
Evidence going into court |
Evidence |
Chief John Cahill of Dedham holding shotgun and revolver used in attempt by Edward Frye to free Millens. |
Van Amburg - Ballistics expert with gun used in Needham murders. |
Millen/Faber case. |
Millen/Faber case. |
Millen/Faber case. |
Millen/Faber case. |
Millen/Faber case. |
Millen brothers brought back from NY to Readville station |
Needham bank murder |
Edward C. Frye tries to free Millen brothers at Dedham jail, Dedham, Mass |
Capt. Charles J. Van Amburgh, state police ballistics expert with gun that shot Needham policemen |
Millen/Faber case. |
Needham bank murder |
Needham bank murder |