
Great Fire of 1872
Great Fire of 1872
Great Fire of 1872
Great Fire of 1872
Great Fire of 1872
Church ruins, Jamaica Plain
Church ruins, Jamaica Plain
Fire ruins in apartment house at Norfolk Sq. - Roxbury
Fire ruins in apartment house at Norfolk Sq. - Roxbury
Fire ruins in apartment house at Norfolk Sq. - Roxbury
Boatyards in South Boston goes up in flames
Cambridge ruins
General alarm fire, Chelsea Box factory
Chelsea Fire Ruins
Chelsea Fire Ruins - patrolling after the fire
Four alarm Chelsea fire ruins
Pocasset Mills fire ruins, Fall River
Fall River
Fall River Globe building - where the big fire was stopped
The alarm box that was rung during the Fall River fire. The alarm was heard around the country.
Fall River fire
Fall River $35,000,000 fire from the air. City hall saved with tower.
Fall River fire
Fall River fire


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