Sports: Golf

Tournament at Belmont Country Club
Tournament at Belmont Country Club
Golfers - stars and Charlie Mason, President of M.G.A.
Golfers - stars and Charlie Mason, President of M.G.A.
Belmont Country Club
Two golfers seated on grass
Two golfers line up shots on the green
Two golfers take a break
Two golfers line up shots on the green
Three golfers take a rest
Four golfers seated on lawn in front of club house
Four golfers take a break
Walter Hagen at Brae Burn, writing up the amateur rounds
Walter Hagen writing up the amateur rounds for the press, at Brae Burn
Walter Hagen in Providence Rhode Island
Tournament at Belmont Country Club
Golfer hits out of the rough during golf championship at Brookline Country Club
Jesse Sweetsen at the country club
Billy Burke at Woodland
Jesse Guilford and Miss Jean Scribner
Gene Sarazen with unidentified man, Brae Burn
Group headed for course


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