People: Presidents

Pres. Hoover speaking from grandstand
Hoover inauguration
Hoover inauguration
Herbert and Mrs. Hoover in D.C.
Herbert and Mrs. Hoover in D.C.
Eleanor Roosevelt visits daughter-in-law Mrs. James Roosevelt and granddaughter Sara
Teddy Roosevelt and Mayor Mitchell of New York at Bridgeport, Conn.
Teddy Roosevelt
Pres. Wilson in Boston
Pres. Wilson in Boston
Pres. Wilson visits Boston
F.D.R. picture and electrical outlet
F.D.R.'s inauguration in Washington
Teddy Roosevelt Jr. in Boston
Pres. Hoover - inauguration
Roosevelt campaigning
F.D.R. speaking in Boston
Former president Teddy Roosevelt speaking in Boston
Eleanor Roosevelt - woman disembarking from American Airways plane
President Taft? Old car, people, fair?
F.D.R. at Gloucester
F.D.R. South Station
F.D.R. South Station
President Franklin Roosevelt on yacht - Marblehead


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