People: Identified

J.P. Morgan at Harvard
Alvin 'Shipwreck' Kelly - flagpole sitter arrested by police
Frank Smith - famous ship painter
Frank Smith - famous ship painter
Marilyn Foster Reynolds, age 13 months
Wooden deer and George W. Kirby
Alyce Jane McHenry turns news cameraman, while Dolores Crispo, her favorite Nurse, poses at the Nurses Home, Fall River
Alyce Jane McHenry after stomach operation at Truesdale Hospital, Fall River
Jimmy Neilson has stomach put back right like McHenry girl
Jimmy Neilson after stomach operation similar to the McHenry girl's
Alyce Jane McHenry after stomach operation at Truesdale Hospital, Fall River
Jimmy Neilson has stomach put back right like McHenry girl
Jimmy Neilson has stomach put back right like McHenry girl
Jimmy Neilson - successful stomach operation, same as McHenry girl
Jimmy Neilson has stomach put back right like McHenry girl
Movie actors Norma Talmadge and Harrison Ford
Queen Victoria at 81
Tom Mix on Tony, in Boston with the Sells-Flotto Circus, South Boston
Tom Mix on Tony
Tom Mix performs rope tricks for invalids at Mass. General
Tom Mix and Tony in Boston
Tom Mix and his horse Tony in Boston
Tom Mix and horse Tony, Boston
Tom Mix in Boston


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