
Horses at Camp Devens
Horses at Camp Devens
Troop waiting for ambush with bayonets, Camp Devens
Infantry marching on parade ground, Camp Devens
Infantry on parade, Camp Devens
Infantry march on parade grounds, Fort Devens
War days, Boston Common
Big gun: Fort Standish: Lovells Island, Boston Harbor
Firing big guns, Boston Harbor, Mascot: Dog
Firing big guns
West Point cadets - Boston
Jackie of U.S. Navy climbs up chain instead of going ashore to reach his ship
Sun sets over farewell ceremony for General Edwards
Firing big guns
Firing big guns - Fort Standish, Lovell's Island, Boston Harbor
Boston Forts - Guns firing
Big gun shells Boston Harbor. 10' projectiles on shotcarts, Fort Standish, HD Boston.
Battery of shells, Boston Fort, Fort Standish Lovell's Island, Boston Harbor
Boston Harbor, Shells, dog on top
West Point cadets in Boston
West Point cadets in Boston
West Point cadets in Boston
High ranking officers
West Point cadets in Boston


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