Maritime: Fishing Industry

Busy scene at South Boston fish pier
Drying fish at Gloucester
Fishing schooners tied up at fish pier
Fisherman with spools of fishing line
Drying fish at Gloucester
Mackerel fishers drying nets in Gloucester
Fishing Industry, Boston - Typical Grand Banks fishermen with sails leaving Boston Harbor for the Grand Banks
Boston - Next to T-wharf fishing boats
Waterfront fish pier - push-pull cart
Fishermen 'T'wharf boats Boston
Fishing schooner
Fishing trawler 'Crest' at fish pier.
Fishing schooner runs aground in dense fog in Boston Harbor
Men fishing - boat filled with fish
Italian fishing fleet tied up at old T-wharf because of severe storm.
Fishing trawler 'St. Teresa' coming into port.
Fishing schooner 'Snipe'
Italian fishing fleet.
Fishing boats at T-wharf. Tug 'Wave'.
Italian fishermen baiting hooks. T-wharf.
Old T-wharf: Italian fishermen baiting hooks.
Baiting hooks - fish pier.
Fishing schooner 'Catherine'.
Fishing schooner 'Snipe'.


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