Events: Miscellaneous & Unidentified

Old Boston celebration, climbing Beacon Hill
Old Boston Celebration on Beacon Hill
Reds demonstrate in Blackstone Square in the South End
Holy Cross Cemetary, Malden, where thousands come to be healed at Father Power shrine
Yankee division getting ready to place flags in the Hall of Flags in State House, Flag Day.
Old Boston Celebration; Beacon Hill. Left to Right: Mrs. Samuel Mixter, Mrs. Irving Badger, Miss Rowena Morse, Mrs. Arthur Williams
Old Boston Day, Beacon Hill
Tercentenary celebration at the State House
Boston Commons radio listeners
Old Boston, Beacon Hill
Old Boston, Beacon Hill
Old Boston, Beacon Hill
Dignitaries at the State House during Tercentenary celebration
Tercentenary parade through temporary arch in Dock Square
Tercentenary parade through temporary arch, Adams Square and Dock Square
State House decorated for Mass. Tercentenary
Parades in Boston
Parades in Boston
Boston Parade Celebration
Big Parade in Boston 300th Anniversary
Big Parade in Boston


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