Events: Circus, Rodeo, etc.

Boston, Tremont St. Circus parade
Circus parade
Real Wild West steers arrive in Boston with the 101 Ranch
Clown and ladies riding a pachyderm when the circus comes to town
Elephants at the circus grounds, Boston
Circus parade, Boston
Circus parade, Boston
Circus parade
Circus parade
State Police - perform at Brockton Fair
Circus parade
Circus comes to town. Camels on parade
Circus comes to town. Elephants on parade.
Circus comes to town- elephants on parade.
Elephants in circus parade. South Boston to South Hampton St.
Circus comes to town - elephants pulling cages
Circus comes to town
Circus comes to town - elephants on Atlantic Ave.
Indian chief caught off his guard outside of circus tent. Boston, MA
Clowns playing marbles, when the circus comes to town
Circus days: Tall man holding two girls in front of giraffes
Circus parade on Massachusetts Ave. at Symphony Hall
Clown and circus queen in speedster, when circus comes to town
Crowd to see elephants when circus comes to town


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