Aviation: Miscellaneous
Pan American Airways Sikorsky flying boat over Washington Monument (probably not Leslie Jones) |
Old Glory' flying over Long Island. |
Clarence Chamberlin and Thea Rasche |
Logan Airport dedication |
Blue Bird' taking off from Old Orchard Beach for trans-atlantic flight. He made it! |
East Boston planes and people |
America's largest airplane Washington D.C. 50 passanger Sihoisy amphibon the new flag ship of the Pan American Airway. Christened by Mrs. Hoover |
Mrs. Beryl Hart and Lt. William S. Maclaren just before their last flight. |
Wellesley High students watch some of their number go up in plane at East Boston Airport. |
School children from Wellesley High School watching some of their number go up in a plane at East Boston Airport. |
Chinese aviator Harry Dally King with Capt. Leyson at East Boston Airport |
Aeroplane 'Tradewind' before final flight. |
Plane 'Roma' - Old Orchard Beach, ME. Dr Leon Pisculli, Cesare Sabelli, Piero Bonelli |
Roger Williams (Waving) and Cesare Sabelli - in cabin of Roma at Old Orchard, ME., before dash across the Atlantic. |
Roma' - Ready to fly the Atlantic. Old Orchard, ME. |
Chamberlin's plane 'Columbia' ready to fly to Germany from New York non-stop. |
Chamberlin's plane 'Columbia' |
Tel. plane arrives at East Boston Airport. Interior of plane showing equipment. |
Navy planes in Newbort Harbor. |
Navy planes in Newbort Harbor. |
Largest plane of this type to land at East Boston Airport, the Martin Bomber |
Famous aviator Atwood takes a passenger at Squantum. |
Largest 'Ford Fokker' and smallest, 'Davis', at East Boston Airport. |
Lt. Ellwood R. Quesada, relief pilot from Bolling Field to go to Greenly Island, Labrador, to take over for Lt. Fairchild who was stricken with appendicitus, and Lt. Richard Cobb who took him |