Accidents: Train & Trolley

Wreck - railroad
Boston Revere Beach & Lynn RR (wreck) Loco in Harbor - 1925 - Nearly 600 people were on the train at this time. East Boston ( A very near tragedy)
Monster train wreck - Mansfield
Locomotive wreck - Back Bay. Two dead.
Overturned engine at South Station
Lowell train wreck, 1 killed and 20 injured. My boss Jean Stimmel was hurt in this accident.
West Brook, Maine, Maine Central RR.
Locomotive goes into water near Dover St. Bridge. South Boston Channel
Engine turns over in big train accident - South Boston
Train crashes into station, Stoughton, Mass.
Locomotive derailed in Mattapan
Lola, Kansas: 63 hurt on the 'Southerner', Fast Missouri Pacific Passenger train from New Orleans to Kansas City
Exeter, N.H. - Boston & Maine R.R.
Train derails in Exeter, N.H.
Crane pulls locomotive out of water near Dover St. Bridge. South Boston
Pittsburg, on lofty trestle above main throughfare.


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