Accidents: Auto

Auto wreck near Chestnut Hill Reservoir. Richard Marshall was nearly killed.
Barnstable clerk drives into Cape Cod Canal at Bourne and drowns.
Barnstable clerk drives into Cape Cod Canal at Bourne and drowns.
Car and Noonan's Hair Petrole truck collide
Auto wreck
Lawyer killed by stolen car on bridge over to Everett, in Charlestown
Lawyer killed by stolen car on bridge over to Everett, in Charlestown
Lawyer killed by stolen car on bridge over to Everett, in Charlestown
Lawyer killed by stolen car on bridge over to Everett, in Charlestown
Man drowns after car goes into Saugus River.
Auto plunges into Fore River drowning 3. Diver goes down to recover bodies.
Southport, England. A remarkable photo, taken at the actual moment of the overturning of a racing car of Miss Mary Cunliffe, English driver, during a 100-mile race on the Southport Sands. Showing her father, who was riding with her being hurled to death.She was badly injured.
Auto wreck
Car wreck
Auto wreck
Auto wreck
Auto wreck
Auto wreck
Auto wreck
Wrecked Auto Waltham. 2 Lynn Bankers killed and 2 severely injured
Big auto wreck at Waltham. James F. Gifford - Director of Lynn Chamber of Commerce and Albion Bartlett - Lynn bank head & shoe manufacturer were killed
Auto accident at Egleston Sq and many hurt.
Auto wreck Melrose, Mass
Auto wreck Melrose, Mass


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