Leviathan (Steamship)

SS Leviathan in South Boston drydock.
Autos/people on Summer St. extension flocking to see Leviathan.
Going aboard Leviathan at South Boston drydock.
When main gate of South Boston drydock opened - big crowd flocked toward Leviathan.
Crowd to see Leviathan at South Boston drydock (many fainted)
Cars jam Summer St. extension as angry crowd tried to see Leviathan.
SS Leviathan leaving dry dock in South Boston for trial trip.
Propeller of the SS Leviathan.
SS Leviathan - docking.
SS Leviathan - docking.
SS Leviathan
SS Leviathan
SS Leviathan, dry docking, South Boston
SS Leviathan, dry docking, South Boston
SS Leviathan from Fort Independence, Castle Island.


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