Auto demolished in accident |
Auto accident in South End |
Taxi accident in Boston |
Pulling out the death truck that killed two men as it plunged into the Mystic River at Chelsea Bridge |
Hoisting death truck from bed of Mystic River at Chelsea Bridge. The body of the two that met their death is seen at the stern of the Harbor Police row boat. |
Truck almost goes off bridge over RR tracks |
Truck accident |
Wrecked auto in garage |
Auto goes out of control and crashes through fence onto B&A Tracks near Greenwich Park, South End |
Auto hits lamppost at intersection next to Sowlight Market |
Auto hits lamp post at intersection |
Auto hits fire hydrant |
Auto accident in Topsheld, two killed |
Auto accident in Topsheld, two killed |
Fishing out auto that went into Charles |
Auto wreck, South End |
Auto wreck |
Kids look at wrecked auto |
Train derails in South Boston |
Elevated train wreck - Beach St. in Chinatown |
Train accident in Mansfield |
Locomotive derails near B.F. Sturtevant Company in Readville, Mass. |
Locomotive derails in Readville, Mass. |
Train wreck - Mobile, Ala. One of the trains of the crack Louisville & Nashville R.R. - Pan American Ltd. - Bound from New Orleans to Cincinnati. Half over draw bridge. |
Pullman Standard Car 'Samuel Morse'. (Maybe on back of Fort Point Channel/Roxbury Canal, south of South Station, Boston.) |
Railroad accident in South Boston |
Locomotive goes into water near Dover St. Bridge |
Wreck - railroad |
Boston Revere Beach & Lynn RR (wreck) Loco in Harbor - 1925 - Nearly 600 people were on the train at this time. East Boston ( A very near tragedy) |
Monster train wreck - Mansfield |
Locomotive wreck - Back Bay. Two dead. |
Overturned engine at South Station |
Lowell train wreck, 1 killed and 20 injured. My boss Jean Stimmel was hurt in this accident. |
West Brook, Maine, Maine Central RR. |
Locomotive goes into water near Dover St. Bridge. South Boston Channel |
Engine turns over in big train accident - South Boston |
Train crashes into station, Stoughton, Mass. |
Locomotive derailed in Mattapan |
Lola, Kansas: 63 hurt on the 'Southerner', Fast Missouri Pacific Passenger train from New Orleans to Kansas City |
Exeter, N.H. - Boston & Maine R.R. |
Train derails in Exeter, N.H. |
Crane pulls locomotive out of water near Dover St. Bridge. South Boston |
Pittsburg, on lofty trestle above main throughfare. |
Train wreck in Readville |
Cape Codder Express |
Passenger car stove in, Marshfield |
Train wreck at Stoughton Station |
Train plowed through Stoughton Station |
Railroad station wrecked by train in Stoughton |
B&M crashes near Exeter, N.H. |
B&M crashes near Exeter, N.H. |