Circuses & shows

Clown and ladies riding a pachyderm when the circus comes to town
Elephants at the circus grounds, Boston
Circus comes to town - elephants pulling cages
Circus comes to town
Circus comes to town - elephants on Atlantic Ave.
Indian chief caught off his guard outside of circus tent. Boston, MA
Clowns playing marbles, when the circus comes to town
Circus days: Tall man holding two girls in front of giraffes
Clown and circus queen in speedster, when circus comes to town
Crowd to see elephants when circus comes to town
Indian with the circus
Koo Koo the bird girl in town with the circus
Camels and zebras at North Station when Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus comes to town
Circus train and horses arrive in Boston
Circus days, Tall man and fat women
Elephants visit South Boston when circus comes to town
Elepahnts walk through the streets of Boston when the circus comes to town
Boy holds hands with Indian at circus
Elephants in town with the circus
Elephants arrive at North Station when circus comes to town
Elephants from 101 ranch march through Boston streets
Workers pound in the tent poles when the circus comes to town
Dogs and horses in usual circus act
Tall man and dwarf playing cards when the circus came to town


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